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We've got hotel deals for over 335,000 properties in 184 countries for you to choose from. Start planning your perfect getaway now by installing the free app.

Use, Planet Earth's #1 accommodation app:
We don’t just have hotels: We also have apartments, hostels, even beach bungalows and castles … and we’re growing every day.

☆ Flick through 8 million hotel and room photos and read verified hotel reviews from over 23 million fellow travelers.
☆ One tap to find hotels for tonight right around you and save with last minute deals. 
☆ Easily refine your searches using our filtering and sorting options to get the best fit for you.
☆ Use our helpful maps to find the right hotel in the perfect location and plan your route.
☆ Book hotels faster by signing in to your account, which securely stores all your booking details in one place no matter which device you’re checking from.
☆ Save time by adding your credit card number to your account. We’ll keep it safe for future reservations made from any device.
☆ Add your hotel booking to your device calendar.
☆ Access 24/7 customer service. We’re always here to help you modify your hotel booking or answer any questions.
☆ Save your confirmation to your device for simple, paperless check-in.
☆ Past, current and upcoming bookings are synced to your central account, which you can access from our website or mobile apps.
☆ No need to worry about missing a check-in or losing a confirmation. We’ll send you a push notification right before your stay giving you all the information you need for a quick and easy check-in at your hotel, and a link to customer service for extra reassurance.
☆ Your booking confirmation is available offline in the app so you don’t need an Internet connection to check in when you arrive at your destination.
☆ Whether you’re looking for a seaside spot to soak up the sun or just want to escape to the countryside, our Weekend Deals Widget will keep you up to date on the best hotel deals for the upcoming weekend. Just add the widget to the home screen of your device.

Your summer starts here…
Here at we pride ourselves on finding unique properties. Currently we can boast over 335,000 places to stay in more than 41,000 destinations.
- Beachside villas, island resorts and private boathouses in some of the most popular places for sun and sand.
- Iconic motels and scenic campsites for that road trip you'll never forget.
- Las Vegas luxury hotels, New York lofts and choice hotels for your next city break.

You can refine your search easily by using filters to find hotels that have exactly what you want. Make sure you’ll have WiFi access, find out if there’ll be somewhere to park your car (and drop your luggage!), check out bar and restaurant options at the hotel or plan a spa or fitness weekend. Also, our accommodation type filter shows you exactly what types of property are available for the dates and destination you’ve chosen.

Save more by keeping an eye out for hotel deals! Our deals don’t just help you find cheap hotels; they offer fantastic value in great properties of all types and star ratings, with great last minute deals on hotels for tonight for those times when you most need it. And don’t forget to sign in to your account to access exclusive subscriber-only Secret Deals.

We speak your language. 
The app is available in 25 languages, with hotel reviews in all languages, supports 53 currencies and gives you 24/7 access to localised customer service at the touch of a button. Simply call or email from the app.a

Requires Android2.2 and up
Size :
Version :
August 23, 2013

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